Friday, July 19, 2024

Spider Poems

The Thrive Tribe

 I have a relationship with my spiders 

and do my best to keep them alive.

I learn parables from my spiders

they do great good to help me survive. 


(Spiders At Peace) 

Writer the Spider

and Rider the Spider

sat down beside 

one so playful

with intentions

that flowed stomps.

Writer the Spider

And Rider the Spider

jagged their fright

in flight forced

them to die.



“I Don’t Want to be Your Narcissist

(To Rider, Writer, and the Rest of the Spiders in 1A)

First, I came for the roaches,

with mint leaves and ruthless baking soda,

swatting armies on daily patrol

that paintballed walls in shit-colored splat   

snacked on by tan spiders’ domesticated webs   


Who knew they’d connect jagged

movements to twist and knit the final curtain

Heralding my own healing crossroads

In harmony of spiders work on wood

Like an evolved shade of hair on my head


I find if I blow soft and tender

They shake their legs working spinners

Long may they live and may they stay

Collaboration these spiders all day

Writer and Rider the Spiders they play


Unpatterned weaves matching Whitman’s hair,

If they moved, I’d change my color

There’s no food for them anymore

They did their job, now will they leave

As that ruthless soda turns them to gold  


The Beatles sang an octopus pad

Who’d scare my 18-pound cat

Making me his easy treat attacking bugs

I play both sides I love my cats

Chase the spiders See how they run—attack!  


All my roaches cleaned out of the kitchen

They were yesterday’s lesson

I remember the dirty crass wall

But I learned I don’t need them

Clean dishes showing me dirt deletion’s win


My Spiders are in Crisis with no roaches

Stan Lee would tell me I’m cruel  

to Writer, Rider the Spiders 

heroes trusting me must fight to survive    

They killed the roaches and heard my battle cry, "die, cobweb makers, die."  

-July 2024