I’m my kind of Kanye
cheering my inner Beyonce
here I am sitting with the bums and pigeons at Herald Square. Some “businessman” drops his habitual DAILY NEWS in the garbage (it’s 8:30 a.m.). A wiser businessman scoops the NEWS out of the can—there’s waste in American industry. And I can see the top of The Empire State Building. I was just up there for a minute looking, and then I started crying, ‘cause Manhattan’s not that big. I could see cars and buses clearly in detail going up some avenue. I could see bridges and clouds and tree branches in Gramercy Park with the bums and pigeons. I could see the Statue of Liberty waving her torch at me, “Hey Annie, keep trying, keep trying. You ARE on top of your city.”
We’re close to getting THE LEIGHTON EXPLOSION to the printer. My editor/publisher Ken is making it look like I want it to look. The book will come out soon. Everyone will receive an e-version of the book in PDF format. Please make sure I have your email. (You can write me via Anne@AnneLeighton.com).
If all goes according to schedule, you will receive your copy before September 19. If not it will be first or second week of October. By mid-September, those who pledged for the T-shirt reward will hear from me requesting your size and mailing address. I have an Anne Leighton-created font with a phrase that I can’t remember who created or helped me create—either Progsheet writer John Wilcox or my bandmate Larry Solomon.
Bandmate? Yes! This is a photo of vocalist/bassist Hank Bordowitz and vocalist/percussionist Larry Solomon took with me at our first rehearsal. We will be rehearsing and doing homework between now and November, and then figure out our playing schedule. The first two shows will be in New Jersey and the Bronx… There might also be a show in October somewhere in the universe…I don’t know.
I will also be doing solo shows with local musicians… the first one will either be in Buffalo, Boston or Washington DC in May or June 2016.
Meantime, I’d love to hear from you and find out what cool poetry you’re finding from people in your hometown. Maybe there’s a collaboration in there? Maybe it's a chance for you to share.
Now with Courtney Barnett on the charts and a newly found Dr. Seuss book, WHAT PET SHOULD I GET, poetry is a big thing. So let's swing!